Coca-cola spreads positivity

At least once per week a friend of mine sends me one of Coca-Cola videos. We can say many things about them as a company and product, but their brand team is definitely hitting some right notes. I have yet to watch one of their ‘spread kindness’ videos that does not make me smile ear to ear.

Obviously, Coca-Cola is not the only company that uses kindness as a way to conquer consumer’s loyalty. Pepsi also promotes good initiatives (check Refresh Everything), and many other big companies are engaged in volunteer work, defending different causes. The difference, for me, is that Coca-Cola makes it better than anyone. And they’re smart enough to leave Coke as a sidekick on the videos. You watch them and you remember them for the message. It just so happens that you might crave a coke at the end. :)

Here are my top five favorite videos:

People like you and me, that just do crazy things for the good! That’s the perfect amount of craziness!

2. Security Cameras around the world
Probably everyone already watched it, but it can never get old!

3. El Cajero de La Felicidad
I couldn’t find this one with subtitles, but basically you get 100 euros, and a task of something good to do to another person. Then you post it. Same concept as the Chocolate Pop Up store.

4. The Coca-Cola Friendship Machine
As a designer, I love how they were able to achieve their goal of making people collaborate without using instructions. For you two have 2 Cokes for the price of one, you have to use a little help from your friends!

5. Happinness Truck in India
Small surprises can make your whole day better