The ultimate intervention

Original post: February 26, 2011


Lately I’ve been receiving a lot of ideas of nice things to do to break the routine of people by bringing joy.

So I decided to take a day to invite people to do the same, wherever they are. I already have representatives in USA and Brazil (Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo), and the more the merrier. Imagine how nice would it be to have many people engaged in doing nice things all around the world, at least for one day?

So I’m developing some kits of everything you need in order to make these interventions and I’m willing to send them to everyone who decides to participate. All I ask is that you record (pictures or movies) and send to me so I can publish it here! Also, invite your friends, you’re going to notice that is much, much more fun if you have some company!

Don Norman said that happy people are more inclined to act positively and be kinder to others. So, why not? It could be the start of a kind chain. I also understand that each place has its specific characteristics, so I would love to hear your suggestion of what to do in your city.

If you’re interested, or curious, please send me an e-mail to isawonderfulworld [at] yahoo [dot]  com with the subject “Ultimate Intervention” and let me know where you are! Let’s have fun together!