Helping Squad at Times Square
Today I had a very special guest to help me. She not only wanted to record, but she participated and gave me wonderful ideas for the next interventions! Her name is Daphne Levitzchi and we chose this particular windy and cold day to go to a place where we definitely would find many potential people to entertain: Times Square!
While we were there, we tried to find different ways to help or bring joy to strangers that were hanging around. Here are a few examples:
1) Help tourists by taking their pictures
Daphne helps a stranger
People want to have their pictures taken. New York can be a long way for a lot of tourists and they want to be able to register these moments. We were there to help!
2) Hold the door
The plan was simple: stand in front of the door of high entrance place and hold the door for people while wishing them a great day. The way we would consider it successful would be if people reacted to us in a positive way. Once again, we wanted to track smiles. For the people who were leaving the store was harder to notice what we were doing, because we could be just trying to enter, but those who were entering the stores and saw us standing there and smiling seamed much more grateful and amused by the fact we were just there holding doors for them. They also wished us a great day.
3) Spread balloons
There are not that many easier ways to make a kid smile besides giving them a balloon. It usually does not matter the color or size, the smile is almost always guaranteed.
Here is a video capturing all of it: